Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Tips from the FBI Cyber Division on How to Protect Your Child Online

Do you notice your child spending way too much time on the computer? Do you even have any idea who she/he is talking to and what she/he is doing? There is no question that the internet can offer tons of information that is easily accessible to your child, but the internet can also expose your child to various dangers online. Thus, you need to take action in keeping your child protected from the risks that online communication comes with. One way is to use Highster Mobile phone spy software. The FBI Cyber Division also shares some great tips on how parents can ensure the safety of their children online.

Signs Your Child May Be at Risk Online:

·         There is pornography on your child’s computer.
·         Your child stays online for a really long time, particularly at night.
·         Your child gets phone calls from people you don’t know, or from numbers you’re not familiar with.
·         Packages, gifts, or even mail are sent to your child from unknown senders.
·         Your child doesn’t want you to see what she or he is doing on the computer.
·         It seems like your child prefers to spend time with others rather than his/her family.
·         Your child refuses to let you know his/her passwords.

Actions to Take If You Feel Your Child is Making Friends with a Sexual Predator on the Internet:

·         Try to talk to your child about what you’ve observed recently. Try to ask who he or she is meeting online on a regular basis.
·         Tell your child about the dangers of sex offenders online. Make sure you explain it in a way that your child will easily understand.
·         Find ways to determine who is calling your child. One way to do this is by using the Caller ID service of your telephone service provider. Another is by installing Highster Mobile phone spy on your child’s phone. Both these options will also allow you to block certain numbers.
·         Keep an eye on your child’s access to various forms of live electronic communications, such as instant messages, chat rooms, and so on. It is also recommended that you track your child’s email.

So how are you supposed to get the information you need from your child’s cell phone or tablet perhaps? This is where cell phone spy programs like Highster Mobile will prove to be really useful.

By reading a Highster Mobile review, you will learn how this cell phone spy app will help you better protect your child from sex offenders online. With Highster Mobile, you can track phone calls and all kinds of messages on your child’s phone. What’s more, you will be able to monitor your child’s location using the software’s GPS tracking feature.

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